Group Details

This page gives the details about a group including past events, upcoming events, and registered events.

Group Object

idID of the Group
nameName of the Group
locationLocation of the Group
divisionNameName of the Group's division
divisionInitialsInitials of the group's division
pastEventListList of events the group competed in, in the past (see Past Object)
upcomingEventListList of events the group will be competing in (see Upcoming Object)
registerdEventListList of events the group is registered for (see Registered Object)

Past Object

nameName of the Season
performancesList of Performances in the Season (see Past Performance Object)

Past Performance Object

idID of the competition
eventNameName of the event
eventLocationLocation of the event
competitionNameName of the competition (may be blank)
competitionDateDate of the competition
multipleCompetitionsBoolean indicating whether there was more than 1 competition (true means there were multiple competitions, false means there was a single competition)
divisionNameName of the division the performance was in
divisionInitialsInitials of the division the performance was in
roundNameName of the Round the performance was in
performedBoolean indicating whether the group performed (true means the group performed, false means the group didn't perform)
finalScoreThe score given to a performance. Will have no value if scores have not been released or if the group didn't perform
rankThe rank of the performance. Will have no value if scores have not been released or if the group didn't perform
recapUrlURL of the full recap, if the full recap has been released.
noScoreReasonReason there was no score (may be blank)

Upcoming Object

Registered Object